Related party documentation
We help prepare written documents evidencing transactions

Whether for:
- record keeping purposes;
- internal restructuring purposes; or
- documenting a transaction between family or related entities,
we can assist with preparing the relevant documents your clients may require.
With an increase in audit capability by revenue authorities and potential for disputes, it is prudent for family groups to document transactions between family members and related entities to ensure sufficient contemporaneous evidence exists of the intended tax treatment/consequences.
Documents we are able to assist with preparing includes:
- documents required to obtain relevant tax rollovers and concessions (such as business sale agreements or share exchange agreements);
- documents confirming the effect of a transaction (such as a deed of gift, loan agreement, deed of forgiveness, deed of assignment of debt or offset agreement); and
- intra-group related party commercial agreements (such as service agreements).
If you require a certain style of document frequently, please feel free to contact us and we can assist with creating a tailored process for your firm (for example an offset agreement setting off various loans, unpaid dividend distributions and unpaid present entitlements).